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Hey, I'm Rahul

Honestly, I can't really define myself, maybe because even I don't know Me completely.

While My github and Linkedin shows my caliber in the Tech Arena. My Youtube and Instagram works as a timeline of my Ventures.

For what it's worth, I am still Exploring and Growing, catering which I have started my own blog.

And Did I tell you that I am addicted to Music? If you look deep enough you can find my spotify playlist hidden in this page. (0~<)

Hello there! HEHE

If It Makes Sense

Introducing to you a weekly Blog by me, Where I write about....., well, anything, from the point of view of, as the world likes to call it, a “Naive”, “Ambitious”, “DreamyTeenager.

It's called “If It Makes Sense” for a reason. *Virtual Wink*

If you have the patience/time to input my babbling, tune in every Saturday.
Its gonna be so much FUN!!

left orange thingy

Get in Touch

You can always email me at

Also be sure to check out my other Socials

  • Instagram
  • Youtube
  • Linked in
  • Github
  • Twitter